Our staff is committed to providing quality education and care and strives to establish lifelong learning in every student. Gladeview Christian School offers a variety of programs beginning in PreK1 through 8th grade. All of our students are provided with fundamental tools to obtain an excellent education. GCS students from K4 and up use a Christian worldview curriculum that challenges them and enables them to perform at higher academic levels. Our 8th Grade graduates leave GCS with high school credits in math, science and foreign language.
"Let all the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belong to such as these." Mathew 19:14
- Computers (K5-8th Grade)
- Art (Pre-K to 8th Grade)
- Dance (Pre-K to 8th Grade)
- Music (Pre-K to 8th Grade)
- Physical Education (K5-8th Grade)
- Drama (Middle School)
- Graphic Design (Middle School)

Our Athletics Program was established in 2005 and, since then, our teams have competed in countless games and won various championships. Gladeview Christian School is proud to offer a variety of sports to our students including volleyball, basketball, soccer, and flag football. Our Athletics Program participates in a variety of leagues around Miami-Dade County and is designed to teach our players basic fundamentals such as teamwork, commitment, and the importance of developing the mental and physical skills needed to compete at a championship level while still having fun!
Elementary & Middle School Students:
- Volleyball (4th-8th Grade)
- Basketball (4th-8th Grade)
- Soccer (K5-8th Grade)
- Flag Football (4th-8th Grade)
- Cheerleading (K5-8th Grade)
Gladeview Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin.